ILF launches its publication ‘twenty-seven’
Over the past 27 years the Independent Living Fund (ILF) has provided support to over 46,000 disabled people.

Since 1988, the organisation has been able to develop a significant body of expertise and learning regarding independent living support.
‘Twenty-seven’ presents this learning through a series of articles, each penned by a different author, and captures 27 distinct learning points about how the organisation operated and what worked well.
James Sanderson, Chief Executive of the ILF said:
Before we close on 30 June 2015, our trustees and executive team wanted to ensure that we captured our intellectual capital in order that our learning could be used by others operating in the field of independent living support for disabled people.
Thank you to all those who contributed to the publication especially ILF staff, assessors and partners of the ILF over the past 27 years.
ILF launched ‘twenty-seven’ on 3 June 2015.
Read twenty-seven
More information
The Independent Living Fund is an executive non-departmental public body of the Department for Work and Pensions.
ILF makes cash payments to over 16,000 disabled people with high support needs in all parts of the UK to assist with meeting the cost of the support they require to achieve independent living.
On 6 March 2014, the UK government announced it will close the ILF on 30 June 2015. From 1 July 2015 responsibility for supporting ILF users in England and Wales will pass to local authorities in line with their statutory responsibilities. The newly created ILF Scotland will administer payments in line with current awards to users in Scotland and Northern Ireland.
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