Launch of regular UK-Brazil Economic and Financial Dialogue announced
Dialogue between one of the world's major emerging markets and one of the world's largest advanced economies will strengthen mutual cooperation and boost trade and investment.

Following their meeting this afternoon the Finance Ministers of Brazil and the UK, Minister Guido Mantega and Chancellor George Osborne, announced the launch of a regular Economic and Financial Dialogue between their two countries.
The dialogue between one of the world’s major emerging markets and one of the world’s largest advanced economies will strengthen mutual cooperation and boost trade and investment.
The dialogue will provide a channel for ongoing contact between the two governments with regular meetings of finance ministers. This will ensure that we exploit opportunities to strengthen trade links, share expertise, and facilitate infrastructure investment.
The two countries have strong historic links which have not been fully exploited in recent years, and working closely together has huge potential benefits for both.
The Finance Ministers, in a meeting earlier today (Tuesday 8 April), also made an assessment of the international economic situation and the performances of the Brazilian and British economies in this context.
Giovanni Giovannelli, Pearson’s Managing Director in Brazil, said:
The UK and Brazil have a vibrant trade partnership, particularly in growth sectors like education and learning.
Pearson is a business headquartered in the UK but through long-term investment we now have nearly 2,000 Brazilian employees and thousands of Brazilian schools and universities as customers.
For us, the new Ministerial dialogue is an important step towards cementing the two countries’ growing relationship.