News story

Launch of the new Debt Relief Order service (DRO2): What you need to know

We are beginning a phased roll out of the new DRO2 service on 01 September 2016.

We are pleased to announce that we began the phased rollout of our new DRO2 service this morning.

For the first few weeks, however, it will only be available to two or three Competent Authorities (CAs). This is so we can ensure the new system is working as it should and fix any issues which may arise.

The service will be extended to all (CAs) in October. Originally, our aim was to make the service available to everyone by 30 September. However, during the rollout we realised there were issues with how data was transferring from the online applications to the DRO Team. Though these issues weren’t serious, they were affecting the time it took to process an application.

We worked quickly to resolve the issues. The good news is that they have now been fixed, and we can once again continue with the rollout. Throughout October, we’ll be contacting each CA to let them know when they can start using the system.

Below you’ll find more information about using and accessing the new service for the first time, and further guidance is available in the updated Intermediary guidance notes (V.15): DRO2 guidance for Approved Intermediaries.

Accessing the new service

The DRO2 application will be available from the ‘Application portals’ section of the GOV.UK ‘Debt advisor tools and information’ page:

The first page of the service will be the ‘Approved Intermediary login’.

You’ll be able to use your existing username to access the new application. However, you’ll need set a new password the first time you log in.

Once you’ve logged in, you’ll arrive at your homepage where you can:

  • create a new application
  • search for and open existing applications
  • create or join a group (more information about groups is included in the ‘new application functionality’ section of this document)
  • change your details, including your password and username

The service doesn’t allow members of the public to login themselves or access their own applications without an Approved Intermediary.

Logging in for the first time

From mid-September on, we’ll be emailing instructions for setting passwords and logging into the application to all Competent Authorities.

We’ll be sending this information out in a phased manner throughout September. However, if you haven’t received an email from us by 17 October, please let us know by:

New application functionality: groups

One of the key new features of the DRO2 application is the ability to create, join and leave ‘groups’. Anyone can create a group and invite others to join. You can also join existing groups, and can be part of as many groups as you’d like.

Once you’re part of a group, you’ll be able to ‘take over’ and work on cases belonging to other group members. They’ll also be able to do the same with your cases should you need them to. Detailed instructions on how to create, join and use groups will be detailed in section 8 of the updated Intermediary Guidance Notes.

Plans after launch: dual running of the old and new services

We know that many of you will still be working on applications in the old system when the new one goes live. Therefore, we won’t be shutting down the old system right away.

Instead, we plan to run both systems simultaneously for a number of months to give you time to complete your existing applications. After this time, we will close down the old system, and you’ll no longer be able to access or work on any cases that may still be outstanding.

We have not yet agreed an exact date when this will happen, but are working to finalise our plans following the recent Approved Intermediary engagement event in Birmingham.

We will soon be sending out further communications explaining exactly how long the old service will continue to run.

Managing the new service

The new service is still being managed by the DRO team. If you have any questions or concerns relating to the new application, you can contact the team in a number of ways.

For pre-submission questions or general queries, please:

For post-submission questions, please:

Future improvements

We have been working hard to make the new DRO2 service as easy to use as possible.

However, we know we can always do more, and many of you have already shared useful feedback with us based on your experience using our prototypes.

While we haven’t had time to action all your feedback yet, the Insolvency Service is committed to continuously improving its online services. This means that development of the application won’t stop in October. Instead, the DRO team will be using your feedback to understand how the application can be further improved. These ‘future enhancements’ will be prioritised and actioned on a regular basis.

Providing feedback

As always, we welcome and need your feedback.

If you would like to share any thoughts about the application, the launch or about anything else relating to DRO2, you can contact the DRO team at:

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Published 1 September 2016