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May 2020 Transaction Data

This data provides information about the number and types of applications that HM Land Registry completed in May 2020.

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Please note this data shows what HM Land Registry has been able to process during the time period covered and is not necessarily a reflection of market activity.

In May:

  • HM Land Registry completed 934,380 applications to change or query the Land Register
  • the South East topped the table of regional applications with 207,028

HM Land Registry completed 934,380 applications in May compared with 865,970 in April and 1,732,280 last May 2019, of which:

  • 170,249 were applications for register updates compared with 56,950 in April
  • 511,354 were applications for an official copy of a register compared with 531,638 in April
  • 122,626 were search and hold queries (official searches) compared with 141,626 in April
  • 9,504 were postal applications from non-account holders compared with 2,330 in April

Applications by region and country

Region/country March applications April applications May applications
South East 367,175 207,028 218,337
Greater London 295,595 169,837 186,442
North West 184,461 99,425 103,848
South West 151,389 79,731 86,804
West Midlands 134,232 70,638 77,657
Yorkshire and the Humber 123,430 64,669 72,103
East Midlands 116,088 62,833 66,259
North 77,673 36,845 43,951
East Anglia 65,199 37,578 38,189
Isles of Scilly 42 20 23
Wales 68,907 37,328 40,735
England and Wales (not assigned) 82 38 32
Total 1,584,273 865,970 934,380

Top 5 local authority areas

Top 5 local authority areas March applications Top 5 local authority areas April applications Top 5 local authority areas May applications
Birmingham 24,469 City of Westminster 13,467 City of Westminster 14,252
City of Westminster 22,027 Birmingham 12,657 Birmingham 14,002
Manchester 18,693 Leeds 10,168 Leeds 10,811
Leeds 18,229 Manchester 9,268 Cornwall 9,223
Cornwall 15,787 Cornwall 7,872 Wandsworth 8,716

Top 5 customers

Top 5 customers March applications Top 5 customers April applications Top 5 customers May applications
Infotrack Limited 65,764 Infotrack Limited 35,427 Enact 39,424
Enact 50,955 Enact 30,347 Infotrack Limited 30,487
O’Neill Patient 35,297 O’Neill Patient 21,274 O’Neill Patient 20,092
Optima Legal Services 26,135 Optima Legal Services 13,954 Optima Legal Services 13,632
TM Group (UK) LTD Search Choice) 20,444 Legal & General Surveying Serv LTD 11,704 Land Technologies Ltd 10,339

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Transaction Data is published on the 15th working day of each month. The June data will be published at 11am on Tuesday 21 July 2020.

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Published 19 June 2020