Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) commissioned by government
Professor Alan Manning responds to the commissioning of the MAC by the Home Secretary.

The Home Office has today commissioned the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) to report on the impact on the UK labour market of the UK’s exit from the European Union and how the UK’s immigration system should be aligned with a modern industrial strategy.
Responding to the commission the Chair of the MAC, Professor Alan Manning, said:
This is an important and extensive commission and the MAC welcome the opportunity to contribute to the UK’s knowledge base in this area at this critical time.
The MAC will research and analyse the areas covered by the questions using all available data sources, using both internal and external analysts and expertise.
We are keen to work with stakeholders to explore the issues encompassed by this commission and will shortly produce a call for evidence setting out how stakeholders can get involved.
The Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) is an independent public body that provides transparent, independent and evidence-based advice to the government on migration issues.
The government has set a deadline of September 2018 to report back on the commission. The MAC will consider producing interim responses for the government to ensure the report can support policy development
In the next few weeks the MAC will produce a call for evidence, which will be available on the MAC website. The MAC will engage with government, business, trade unions and other interested parties to ensure a high quality evidence based response to the commission.