OISC's CPD scheme
Updated (February 2019) information on the OISC’s Continuing Professional Development (CPD) scheme

The OISC CPD Scheme is not prescriptive as to how much or little CPD activity is undertaken by authorised advisers, but a principle based scheme which focuses on the outcomes of learning and development. It places the responsibility on advisers and organisations to demonstrate to the OISC that they are taking action to remain fit and competent in the areas they are authorised to operate in.
Compliance with CPD
All authorised immigration advisers are expected to demonstrate that they comply with the Commissioner’s CPD requirements. This includes advisers registered at all levels and categories.
CPD is training you take to keep your skills and knowledge up to date – you and the registered organisation you work with decide how you do it . CPD is essential in maintaining your fitness and competence and improving the service that you provide to your clients.
As an authorised adviser, you can take CPD in different ways. For example, you can: • update your listening and advising skills • go to local or national meetings or seminars • research developments in immigration and asylum law or practice • spend time developing your business skills • go on formal courses • spend time on the internet carrying out research; or • network with other immigration advisers
Plan your CPD
CPD is an ongoing process for all advisers. Registered organisations should work with advisers to plan what their CPD should be. Each organisation can decide what works best for them and should review their CPD activity; an annual review is recommended.
Record your CPD
The CPD you take should relate to the immigration advice or services that your organisation provides or intends to provide. In order to plan and keep track of your CPD activities we advise that you keep a record, with supporting material/evidence.
Your organisation is responsible for keeping track of your CPD compliance in order to make an annual CPD declaration.
Annual Declaration
Organisations apply to the OISC for registration and for continued registration and as part of this process they sign a declaration confirming that their advisers will comply with the CPD requirements.
Help with CPD requirements
We have produced a booklet that offers guidance on how advisers can carry out CPD activity. This booklet helps in showing how advisers can comply with CPD requirements and show they are fit and competent. A CPD Learning Development Plan and a CPD Learning and Development Record can also be downloaded to help plan and keep a track of your activities.
OISC caseworkers will review registered organisations’ compliance with the CPD requirements: • during a premises audit • as part of a complaint investigation; or • by dip sampling
Failing to show compliance with CPD
You or your organisation will fail to show compliance with the CPD requirements if: • there is no evidence that CPD was planned; • there is no evidence that the CPD plan was followed; or the planned CPD activity was not relevant to the adviser or their organisation in terms of providing immigration advice or services.
If your organisation fails to show compliance with the CPD requirements, we will discuss this with them. We may also make specific recommendations about future CPD activity.
Where you or your organisation’s failure to comply with the CPD requirements has resulted in you failing to provide fit and competent advice or services we may: • require you to immediately take specific training or development • ask you to retake a competence assessment • reduce your registered advice Level or restrict the categories of advice you can give (this may affect the registration of your organisation too); or • withdraw you or your organisations registration
If you have any questions please read this booklet for further guidance or contact your caseworker.
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Published 13 December 2016Last updated 7 February 2019 + show all updates
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