One million voters applied to register to vote since new government system launched
Over 1 million people have applied to register to vote since the new online system launched, with overwhelmingly positive feedback.

Over one million people have applied to register to vote since the new online voter registration system went live in June, and there is over 90% satisfaction with the new online service, it was announced today.
Register to vote now.
On 10 June the government launched online electoral registration, making registering to vote quicker and simpler than ever before but also more secure. The launch formed part of the move to Individual Electoral Registration (IER) which has replaced the outdated ‘head of household’ system and is giving people greater control and ownership over their registration. It’s one of the biggest changes to electoral registration in generations, and thanks to the new online tool, you can register in just 3 minutes by simply providing a name, address, date of birth and National Insurance number.
Statistics show that this new online system is proving to be a huge success. There have been over 1 million applications to register since 10 June and the vast majority of these were made using the new online service. Users are impressed by the simpler, clearer, and faster online process, with over 90% of those responding giving positive feedback.
The online registration service is compatible with all platforms, including smartphones and tablets, meaning maximum convenience when registering. Statistics show that around a third of people have accessed the service through a smartphone or tablet.
Minister for the Constitution Sam Gyimah said:
We designed this new online service with the user in mind, and it’s great that such a large number of people across the UK are using the service and responding well to our improvements.
We’ve made registering to vote easier than ever before and it’s really positive that nearly a quarter of those registering in the last month have been under the age of 35. But we know there’s more to do to maximise registration rates, so we will continue our efforts to ensure that everybody has their say in the how the country is run.
The announcement comes on the back of the Electoral Commission’s national awareness campaign which was launched last month to raise awareness of the move to (IER). The campaign, which has coincided with every elector receiving a letter on their doormat, has been helping promote voter registration during the transition.