Permit variation application for waste water reinjection at Brockham oilfield, Surrey
Public Consultation is now open

Angus Energy which operates the Brockham oil site has applied for a permit variation to reinject waste water into one of the existing boreholes on site.
Public consultation on this permit variation application is now open and runs from 23 March 2021 until 4 May 2021.
See further information on the application and details of how to take part in the consultation
An Environment Agency spokesperson said:
In deciding whether or not to issue this permit variation, the Environment Agency will take into account all relevant considerations and legal requirements.
We are keen to understand the views of local people before we make a final decision and would urge anyone interested to let us know what they think.
An environmental permit sets out stringent conditions that all oil and gas sites must adhere to. We will not issue an environmental permit for a site if we consider that activities taking place will cause significant pollution to the environment or harm to human health.
For further information, please email
Further information
How the Environment Agency determines applications and the timescales involved
How onshore oil and gas is regulated
Public consultations
Existing environmental permits at Brockham
Angus Energy is currently the holder of a number of Environmental Permits issued by the Environment Agency in accordance with the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016.
The current permitted activities at the Brockham Oil Site allow the undertaking of the following activities:
- the loading, unloading, handling or storage of, or the physical, chemical or thermal treatment of crude oil
- storage of additional raw materials
- use of diesel generator for on-site electricity
- flaring of gas for emergency only
- combustion of produced gas in an engine with a rated thermal input of 0.93 MW
- use of oil fired bath heater for oil/water separation
- discharge of surface water from non-process areas of the site
- the management of extractive waste from production activities, not involving a waste facility
- the management of extractive waste generated by well workover
- the management of extractive waste generated by well decommissioning
- storage of radioactive waste on site prior its disposal off site (a standard rules radioactive substances permit)