Prime Minister visits aerospace company in Bangalore to welcome UK-India deal worth £120 million
Theresa May visits Dynamatic Technologies to recognise the benefits of British technology collaborating with Indian manufacturing.

The Prime Minister will visit Dynamatic Technologies’ facility in Bangalore as Airbus takes delivery of the first set of A330 wing components, produced jointly in the UK and India.
Airbus’ footprint in India has increased significantly in the last 40 years, and Dynamatic is providing flap track beams for Airbus’ twin aisle A330 model. The parts are machined in Dynamatic’s facilities in Swindon, and Bristol and then manufactured and assembled in Bangalore – bringing together the skills of the UK and Indian workforce.
Worth up to £120 million to the UK economy over a 10-year period, the contract is creating 60 new jobs across Dynamatic’s 2 UK sites and 100 jobs at their Bangalore site.
Flap track beams are high tech guide rails fitted to the wings of the aircraft, which are crucial in controlling speed, direction and balance.
Speaking at Dynamatic in Bangalore, the Prime Minister said:
This collaboration between Dynamatic Technologies UK and Indian workforce demonstrates the strength of the UK’s partnership with India. It showcases British technology with Indian manufacturing and delivers real benefit to both our economies, creating jobs back in Swindon and Bristol as well as here in India.
Touring the facility, the Prime Minister will meet Dynamatic’s Managing Director, the President and Managing Director of Airbus Group India and the President of Airbus India. The Prime Minister will see first-hand the beams being assembled and made ready to be sent to Airbus and meet apprentices working on the production and assembly line.
With sites in Swindon, Bristol and Bangalore, Dynamatic carries out its technical engineering design in the UK and is the only Indian Tier 1 supplier to Airbus.
Udayant Malhoutra, Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director, Dynamatic Technologies said:
Our facilities in the UK & India are able to provide global best value to Airbus, with the manufacture of complex parts at our factories in Bristol and Swindon, along with artisanal craftsmanship and assembly at our facilities in Bangalore. We are grateful for the support we have always received from Her Majesty’s Government, and take great pleasure in welcoming Prime Minister Theresa May to our factory at Bangalore.
Tom Williams CBE, Chief Operating Officer, Airbus said:
The A330 has been a market leader with more than 1,600 aircraft ordered by airlines across the world. The UK has been an integral part of this success story, making the wings for every single A330.
Airbus has also fostered partnerships with India’s aviation industry for over 40 years, supporting the sector’s sustainable growth. The crucial role Dynamatic plays in manufacturing this major wing component means that India now shares in the success of this programme, as well as being of benefit to the company’s UK facilities in Swindon and Bristol.
Find out the latest updates on the Prime Minister’s India visit.