Reopening of the Security Rapid Impact Open Call
Do you have a product or service that could tackle security challenges in the UK? Submit your innovation to our security-themed Open Call.

The Security Rapid Impact Innovations Open Call has now reopened.
The Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) is pleased to reopen the Security Rapid Impact Innovation Open Call which seeks ideas that could enhance the UK security sector.
How much funding is available?
There is no funding limit for proposals submitted to the Security Rapid Impact Open Call, however we expect to fund bids between £100,000 - £350,000.
What is DASA looking for?
Providing security for the UK and its citizens is one of the most important and challenging responsibilities of government and is growing increasingly diverse and complex. To maintain a strategic advantage, we need to ensure the UK has capabilities to ensure public safety and deal with a broad range of challenges that disrupt our way of life.
We are open to ideas that will seek to enhance understanding of threats to UK security and safety, enable threat prevention, or enhance the threat response.
DASA expects that some proposals will be relevant to both defence and security.
Your project must have a realistic prospect of being completed by March 2025
Your project should be able to achieve an impact within a three years of the completion of the project
We will only fund your proposal if there is a strong security user requirement and capability need for the idea
You can include a further priced option for a Testing and Trialling Phase.
How mature should my idea be?
Security Rapid Impact Innovations are expected to deliver a technology model or prototype demonstration at Technology Readiness Level TRL 6 or 7 at the end of the contract. This demonstration should be at a limited scale and in the context or environment in which it is expected that the solution would be used.
For more information, read the competition document.
Next step - submit an Innovation Outline
The Security Rapid Impact Open call requires an Innovation Outline to be submitted prior to the full proposal submission. To do this, please register or log in to the Submission Service. If you’re interested in working with DASA, wonder if your idea may be relevant, want to discuss a specific competition, or need some guidance on how to submit a proposal, we encourage you to speak to your local DASA Innovation Partner.