Scottish independence referendum: jobs and pension factsheet
UK Government launches ‘In the Know’ jobs and pensions pack as job figures reveal record number of Scots in work.

Jobs and pensions are more secure, and spending on benefits is more affordable, if Scotland remains part of the family of nations.
These are among the key points in the UK Government’s latest In the Know pack which is published today. This pack - focusing on jobs and pensions - is launched as latest Scottish employment figures show over 2.58 million people are now in work in Scotland.
Pensions Minister Steve Webb said:
As part of the UK, Scottish people benefit from resilience in the jobs market and a unified pensions system which delivers the same support everywhere - irrespective of peaks and troughs in economies of the nations or demographic differences.
The latest employment figures, covering March to May 2014, show a record number of people are in work in Scotland, with employment up by 76,000 over the past year.
We are prospering together with more people in work than ever before and with the state pension at its highest level against earnings for over 20 years. By staying together I am confident that we will continue to prosper in the future.
Here’s further proof, as outlined in the pack, why the Union is good news for Scottish jobs, savings and pensions:
Job opportunities are increasing.
The number of people in work in the UK is at record levels, with over 2.58 million people in employment in Scotland. This is borne out by growth in all the main sectors of the economy such as services, production (including manufacturing) and construction over the course of the last year. By remaining part of the UK, Scotland can continue to benefit as the UK recovery gathers pace.
Savings and pensions are protected.
As part of the UK our savings are protected by a guarantee covering deposits of up to £85,000 in any UK bank or building society. People have greater certainty and security when it comes to retirement. The state pension is paid at the same level across the UK, and the UK’s Pension Protection Fund protects the rights of over 11 million people in eligible occupational pension schemes (Source: Work and Pensions Scotland Analysis Paper).
Our system works.
The welfare system has been developed over time to provide support where and when people need it most. For example, UK Government spending on benefits, pensions and tax credits in Scotland was £17.7 billion in 2012/13 [Source: Work and Pensions Scotland Analysis Paper].
Leaving the UK would mean stepping away from our pooled resources.
An independent Scotland would have to set up a new welfare system, supported by a smaller economy.