Separation Agreement Joint Committee meeting (December 2020): joint statement
This statement follows the meeting of the Separation Agreement Joint Committee between representatives from Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein and the UK government via video conference.

Separatation Agreement Joint Committee meeting statement:
The first meeting of the Separation Agreement was held today, chaired by officials from the UK Government, with representatives from Iceland, the Principality of Liechtenstein, and the Kingdom of Norway in attendance. The Committee has been established by the Separation Agreement to monitor its implementation and application, for EEA EFTA nationals in the UK, and UK nationals in the EEA EFTA States.
The UK and EEA EFTA States adopted rules of procedure for the Joint Committee. They also set the date from which so-called ‘triangulation’ will apply to 1 January 2021. This will ensure that the social security provisions of the Separation Agreement function correctly for those in ‘triangular situations’ across the EEA EFTA states, UK and the EU.
The UK and the EEA EFTA States share the objective of ensuring the correct and timely implementation of the Separation Agreement, to provide certainty to citizens. All parties present reaffirmed their commitment to implementation of the Citizens’ Rights provisions of this Agreement.
The UK and the EEA EFTA States agreed to meet at least annually after the end of the Transition Period.