Press release

Welsh Secretary: Queen’s Speech shows our determination to help those who want to work hard.

Secretary of State for Wales David Jones has responded to the Government’s legislative programme announced by Her Majesty The Queen today [8 May 2013].

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Secretary of State for Wales David Jones said:

Today’s speech shows that this Government is determined to reward hard work and make it easier for businesses to thrive. Since May 2010, this Government has demonstrated its commitment to making the UK economy more competitive and to helping unlock the collective talents of our people.

Many of the measures announced today will do a lot to help businesses in Wales and will boost the Welsh economy. Specifically, the National Insurance Contributions Bill will help many small and medium size Welsh businesses by cutting the cost of recruiting new employees, while the Deregulation Bill will cut red tape to help Welsh businesses grow.

The legislative programme also includes:

  • tightening immigration laws to strengthen our enforcement powers and protect our public services from abuse;.

  • Giving more power to the Police to tackle anti-social behaviour, dangerous dogs and firearm offences;

  • helping working parents with the costs of childcare; and

  • reforming of the overly complicated pension system with the introduction of a single flat rate from April 2016.

Mr Jones continued:

Following the Green Paper consultation last year, a draft Wales Bill will move the National Assembly for Wales from four to five year fixed terms, making it less likely that Assembly elections will coincide with parliamentary elections in future. The bill will also give greater choice to candidates by restoring their right to stand on both a constituency and regional lists during Assembly elections. Plus the bill will ensure Assembly Members cannot be MP’s at the same time.

Overall, today’s programme is a clear demonstration of support for those who want to get on, aspire for more and are not afraid to work hard to get it.

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Published 8 May 2013
Last updated 22 May 2013 show all updates
  1. Added translation

  2. First published.