World news story

#YourVoteMatters event encourages UK expats to register to vote

Over 100 UK citizens came to the British Consulate-General to find out how to register as an overseas voter in UK elections

This was published under the 2015 to 2016 Cameron Conservative government
#YourVoteMatters Hong Kong event encourages UK expats to register to vote

On 22 March, British Consul General Caroline Wilson welcomed over 100 British citizens to the British Consulate-General Hong Kong to encourage them to register as overseas voters. Around 50 signed up online on the evening.

Consul General Caroline Wilson said:

More than five million British people now live overseas – that includes about 300,000 British citizens in Hong Kong and Macao. But only around 100,000 British expats around the world exercised their right to vote in last year’s General Election… I urge you to spend five minutes online to register to have your say; and to do this as early as possible.

Over 100 UK citizens came to the British Consulate-General Hong Kong to find out how to register as an overseas voter in UK elections

The Consul General also expressed her gratitude to UK-affiliated organisations, which had extended the invitation to their members and attended on the evening to explain to members of the UK community what they do (note 1).

If you have not yet registered to vote, there is still time before the EU Referendum takes place on 23 June. To register as an overseas voter, you will need:

  • to have been registered to vote in the UK in the last 15 years (note 2)
  • to know your National Insurance number (note 3)
  • your date of birth
  • your passport to hand, if you have one

The whole registration process can be done online in just a few minutes at If you cannot or do not want to register online, you can still download and post back paper forms. But remember to return your completed form as far in advance of the deadline as possible.


  1. These organisations included: The British Chamber of Commerce, the British Council, the Royal Asiatic Society, the Royal British Legion, the Royal Commonwealth Society, the Royal Geographic Society, the Royal Society of St. Andrew, the Royal Society of St. David and the Royal Society of St. George.

  2. If you were too young when you left the UK to have been registered, then you can register as an overseas voter if your parents (or guardians) were registered in the UK in the last 15 years.

  3. If you don’t have or know your National Insurance number you can still register, but you may have to supply more information to show who you are.

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Published 23 March 2016