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The Accelerated Access Review aims to speed up access to innovative drugs, devices and diagnostics for NHS patients.

There are many benefits from achieving this goal, including:

  • patients will have access to, and be treated with, cutting-edge medical products sooner
  • research organisations, patient groups and charities will be able to be an integral part of the process for developing new products from the outset
  • clinicians will be able to support their patients to access more effective and affordable innovative treatments and achieve better health
  • businesses will benefit as a result of a simpler, better and more joined up development pathway for medicines, devices and digital healthcare
  • stimulation of new investment, jobs and economic growth to support the NHS

The Accelerated Access Review is considering medicines, devices and diagnostics. Three potential areas of reform have been identified: regulation, reimbursement and uptake.

There is a particular focus on how to speed up the use of data and measurement as a catalyst for evidence-based development, commissioning and decommissioning as well as understanding the role digital health will play in the future.

Hearing the voices of patients, users and their families, and ensuring clinicians are confident that they will be able to access the innovative products in order to transform care, are both critical to this. So too is recognition of the key role of research charities as champions. The review will reflect all of this.

Given the wider fiscal context within which the NHS works, cost-effectiveness and affordability are also integral to the review.

Read the Review’s terms of reference.

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