Our governance
Information on the boards and committees in the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology.
Our Departmental Board
The Departmental Board (the board) is an advisory board responsible for the collective strategic and operational leadership of the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (the department).
The role and remit of the board
The board provides advice and challenge to the department on its performance and delivery of its priorities and brings together ministers, officials, and non-executive directors (independent experts). The board operates according to the corporate governance code for central government departments (the corporate governance code) and recognised principles of good corporate governance in business: leadership, effectiveness, accountability and sustainability.
The board delegates day-to-day oversight of these matters to the executive committee and other departmental sub-committees.
Board membership
The board should be balanced, with approximately equal numbers of ministers, senior officials and non-executive board members. It should comprise:
- the department’s lead minister, who should chair
- other departmental ministers
- the permanent secretary
- the finance director, who should be professionally qualified
- other senior officials
- at least 4 non-executive board members, the majority of whom should be senior people from the commercial private sector, with experience of managing complex organisations.
Members of the board
- Peter Kyle MP, Secretary of State for Science, Innovation and Technology (Chair)
- Lord Vallance KRB FRS FMedSci FRCP HonFREng, Minister of State for Science, Research and Innovation
- Sir Chris Bryant MP, Minister of State for Data Protection and Telecomms
- Feryal Clark MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for AI and Digital Government
- The Baroness Jones of Whitchurch, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for the Future Digital Economy and Online Safety
Senior officials
- Sarah Munby, Permanent Secretary
- Freya Guinness, Director General, Corporate Services
- Alexandra Jones CBE, Director General, Science, Innovation and Growth
- Emran Mian CB OBE, Director General, Digital Technologies and Telecoms
- Emily Middleton, Director General, Digital Centre Design
- Christine Bellamy, Chief Executive Officer, Government Digital Service
- Professor Dame Angela McLean DBE FRS, Government Chief Scientific Adviser
- Professor Chris Johnson, DSIT Chief Scientific Adviser
- Dr Dave Smith, National Technology Adviser
- Jessie Mitchell and Leah Sparks, Strategic Finance Director (Jobshare)
- Joanna Cavan OBE, Strategy and Delivery Director
Non-executive directors
- Liz Cohen, Non-Executive Board Member and Chair of the Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee
- Dominic Field, Lead, Non-Executive Board Member
- Professor Jason Chin FRS, Non-Executive Board Member
- Adam Tickell, Non-Executive Board Member
- Nicola Hodson, Non-Executive Board Member
- Helen Milner, Non-Executive Board Member
- Paul Willmott, Non-Executive Board Member
Roles and responsibilities of board members
The board and its members should:
- collectively affirm and document its understanding of the department’s purpose and document the board’s role and responsibilities in a board operating framework
- act corporately and objectively when discharging its responsibilities
- act in the public interest in keeping with the Nolan principles of public life: selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership. Board members should act in accordance with the Code of conduct for board members for public bodies (board members code of conduct)
- support actions to ensure that officials comply with the Civil Service Code
- ensure that the department’s reporting obligations to the Treasury, Cabinet Office and Parliament are met effectively and efficiently
Where board members have concerns, which cannot be resolved, about the running of the department or a proposed action, they should ensure that their concerns are recorded in the minutes. This might occur, for example, in the rare circumstance in which the lead minister, as chair of the board, considers it necessary to depart from the collective view of the board.
Committees of the board
There are 2 committees of the board; the Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee and the Nominations Committee. The board will be kept informed of the work of these committees through the sharing of committee minutes in board meeting packs or through verbal updates by the committee chairs.
Our Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee
The Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee supports the accounting officer and the board by reviewing the nature and adequacy of assurances provided on governance, risk management and control. The committee is chaired by a non-executive director and may consider any issue relating to the running of the department and its public bodies and provide assurance, as necessary. The committee has no delegated powers to take decisions or engage in policy but may consider the relevant and material factors being assessed and resourced.
The board delegates responsibility to the Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee for making sure that the department’s reporting obligations to the Treasury, Cabinet Office and Parliament are met efficiently and effectively.
The members of the Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee are:
- Liz Cohen, Non-Executive Board Member and Chair of the Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee
- Dominic Field, Lead, Non-Executive Board Member
- Bryan Ingleby, Non-Executive Board Member
- Professor Gillian Leng CBE, Non-Executive Board Member
- Mark Poulton, Non-Executive Board Member
Our Nominations Committee
The Nominations Committee advises on whether the department’s people related processes (for rewarding senior executives) are effective in helping DSIT achieve its goals. The committee does not have a role in deciding individual cases (for example, the level of reward of a particular senior executive) and will not make decisions on senior appointments in the department’s public bodies but it may discuss a key appointment if appropriate. The committee is chaired by the Lead Non-Executive Board Member.
The members of the Nominations Committee are:
- Dominic Field, Lead, Non-Executive Board Member
- Sarah Munby, Permanent Secretary
- Helen Mills, Human Resources Director
Other committees in the department
Permanent Secretary committees
Two committees chaired by the Permanent Secretary and attended by senior officials set the strategic direction for the departments work.
These committees include the:
- Executive Committee
- Investment Committee
Five sub-committees propose strategy, steer and shape the delivery of projects and programmes, provide assurance and make decisions on day-to-day operational matters in the department. These are chaired by Directors General who provide a quarterly report to the Permanent Secretary’s committees on the matters considered by that sub-committee.
These sub-committees include the:
- Delivery and Risk Committee
- Investment Advisory Committee
- International Committee
- People, Operations and Place Committee
- Security Committee