Rail Vehicle Accessibility Regulations exemption orders
Information about rail vehicles which have been granted exemptions from the Rail Vehicle Accessibility Regulations (RVAR).
Rail Vehicle Accessibility Regulations are applied to all new rail vehicles entering service in Great Britain after 1998. These regulations standardise the requirements to meet the needs of disabled passengers. Some services, however, are granted exemptions.
To apply for an exemption order
For a rail vehicle exemption order you must contact the:
Rail Vehicle Accessibility Team
Rail accessibility compliance 1 January 2020
Rail Vehicle Accessibility Regulations exemption orders: annual reports
Updates to this page
Rail Vehicle Accessibility Regulations exemption orders annual report 2016.
Published RVAR exemption applications for Northern Line 95TS rail vehicles and S7 and S8 stock audio visual announcements.
Rail Vehicle Accessibility Regulations exemption orders annual report 2015.
First published.