
Sub-national residual fuel consumption data

Estimates of non-gas, non-electricity and non-road transport energy consumption in the UK at a regional and local authority level.

This page contains UK sub-national (regional and local authority) level statistics showing energy consumption for non-gas, non-electricity and non-road transport statistics (known as residual fuel consumption).

These get combined with estimates of the subnational consumption of electricity, gas and road transport fuels to produce statistics showing total energy consumption for regions and local authorities in the UK.

Historical releases of the data are available on request from DESNZ

Local authority data


Sub-national residual fuel consumption factsheet (2012 data - this factsheet is no longer updated)

Updates to this page

Published 26 September 2013
Last updated 26 September 2024 + show all updates
  1. Added Sub-national residual fuel consumption: 2005 to 2022.

  2. Added Sub-national residual fuel consumption: 2005 to 2021.

  3. Residual fuel statistics for 2005 to 2020 added and text updated to provide links to related statistics.

  4. Sub-national residual fuel consumption: 2005 to 2019 added.

  5. Data for 2005 to 2018 added.

  6. The Sub-national residual fuel consumption factsheet summary report will no longer be produced from 2015 onwards

  7. First published.