About us
The Forestry Commission increases the value of woodlands to society and the environment.
The Forestry Commission is the government department responsible for protecting, expanding and promoting the sustainable management of woodlands.
Introduction to the Forestry Commission
Who we work with
We work with:
Forestry England - who manage the nation’s forests
Forest Research - Great Britain’s principal organisation for forestry and tree related research
Forestry England
National Office
Forestry Commission
620 Bristol Business Park
Coldharbour Lane
BS16 1EJ
Phone: 0300 067 4000
Find out about the Forestry England board
Forest Research
Forest Research
Alice Holt Lodge
GU10 4LH
Phone: 0300 067 5600
Fax: 01420 23653
Find out about the Forest Research board.
Read our strategy 2023 to 2028.
Reporting fraud
To report fraud or discuss fraud related concerns, email us at: reportfraud@forestrycommission.gov.uk.
Corporate information
Access our information
- Accessible documents policy
- Complaints procedure
- Equality and diversity
- Media enquiries
- Office access and opening times
- Our governance
Jobs and contracts
Read about the types of information we routinely publish in our Publication scheme. Our Personal information charter explains how we treat your personal information. Read our policy on Social media use.