Complaints procedure
How to make a complaint about the way PackUK operates and the services we provide.
We hope that most people will be satisfied with the customer service we provide but we recognise that some people may not be.
PackUK has a formal and transparent process in place to deal with complaints about the way we operate or the services we provide. These complaints are known as service standards complaints.
Things to consider before making a complaint
The service standard complaints process does not relate to internal complaint processes for staff or objections about the organisation’s policies.
Before making a service standard complaint, you should consider whether it relates to PackUK or should be directed to Defra, the appropriate regulator for your region or one of the four nations of the UK in the first instance.
How to complain
If you have a service standard complaint about the way we operate or the services we provide, let us know as soon as possible by completing our contact form.
We have a 2-stage process designed to deal with complaints quickly, effectively and fairly.
Stage 1 (initial stage)
You should address your complaint to the PackUK complaints team. The PackUK complaints team is responsible for investigating complaints about standards of service.
The team may take up to 5 working days to accept a complaint. If your complaint has been accepted, you will receive a response within 20 working days.
Stage 2 (reconsideration)
If you are unhappy with the response you receive at this stage, you can ask for your complaint to be passed to a senior manager - known as a reconsideration.
You have 28 calendar days from receipt of our initial response to ask for your complaint to be escalated. To do this, respond to the PackUK complaints team in writing explaining why you are not satisfied with the outcome; your complaint will then be escalated to a senior manager for the relevant area. The senior manager will aim to respond to you in writing within 20 working days of receipt of your request for escalation.
Independent adjudication
If you are still not satisfied with the senior manager’s decision, you can ask any Member of Parliament to refer your complaint to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman:
Millbank Tower
While we always aim to answer your complaint to the best of our ability, we cannot respond to repeated requests for the same information.