Kate Starkey

Kate joined UK Government in Wales in June 2019 with her job-share partner, Louise Parry. Kate came to the department from the Constitution Group in Cabinet Office where she worked on parliamentary, election and lobbying policy and legislation. Before that, Kate held other positions in Whitehall, including in the Economic and Domestic Secretariat (EDS) in Cabinet Office, the Department for Education, the Department for Business, Enterprise and Industrial Strategy and HM Treasury.
Deputy Director, Policy
The Deputy Director, Policy, is responsible for:
- advising ministers on policy matters that are relevant to Wales
- communicating and promoting a wider understanding of UK Government policies in Wales
- running the Wales Office effectively and efficiently
The role of the Wales Office’s Management Board is to:
give collective and effective leadership to the Wales Office and set its corporate direction and capability standards, informed by ministers’ aims, objectives and priorities
oversee the delivery of ministers’ objectives and priorities, as set out in the business plan, and the management of the key associated risks
ensure prudent and effective management of the Wales Office’s financial resources and assets
agree and maintain a transparent and robust system of internal controls
lead and oversee the process of change and efficiency savings
lead collectively the management and development of Wales Office’s civil servants