Vicki Treadell CMG, MVO

I took over as British High Commissioner to Australia on 13 March 2019.
I was previously British High Commissioner to Malaysia and prior to that New Zealand and Samoa and Governor of Pitcairn. These roles were fantastic, professionally enriching providing me with a deep understanding of the Asia Pacific region in all its diversity. Before that I enjoyed four frenetic and fascinating years as British Deputy High Commissioner in Mumbai covering Western India.
In India I had a business focussed brief as you would expect in India’s commercial and financial capital. The daily cut and thrust of the corporate world with the occasional challenge of a major terrorist incident defined my time in India. I am particularly proud of the work we did to look after British people caught up in the July 2006 and November 2008 terrorist attacks and the support we gave the Indian authorities in tackling these atrocities. Equally in securing Indian investment into the UK, not least Tata Motors acquisition of Jaguar Landrover that secured British manufacturing interests and jobs.
The challenges and opportunities in both New Zealand and Malaysia were different but no less interesting. I relished the opportunity to refresh and re-energise these relationships. In New Zealand there was crisis too to respond to with the Christchurch earthquake where, once more, being on the ground to look after our people was the first priority as well as securing targeted support to help the New Zealand authorities deal with the disaster and its consequences. In Malaysia, I sought to engage with a broader cross section of civil society with a particular focus on gender and youth whilst ensuring our strong business engagement was secured.
If we look at the world in the new global reality, where the poles of economic and political power are shifting and being redefined, the Asia Pacific region will be a critical centre of economic gravity for this century. So ensuring regional stability and security, respect for an international rules based system and shared universal values, is vital if the economic prosperity that this region promises can be fully realised. Our relationship with Australia has never been more important as we work together within this context. Our relationship must be set in this modern context. In a fast changing world we must hold onto our shared history and the values at the heart of it. We must celebrate our people to people links and further deepen our trade and investment relationship too. We have strong foundations on which to build. We place trust at the heart of our relationship with Australia, a relationship that matters, one that holds true value and mutual benefit as our nations advance in the 21st century.
Given my personal Asian heritage and professional expertise and knowledge from postings spanning from South Asia to the South Pacific, with significant trade and investment experience, I bring an Indo Pacific and economic perspective to the role.
I look forward to ensuring Britain’s modern relevance to all Australians, to strengthen our friendship and partnership in pursuit of our shared interest and to making a difference.
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British High Commissioner to Australia
The High Commissioner is the UK government’s representative in a Commonwealth nation. They are responsible for the direction and work of the High Commission and its Deputy High Commissions and/or Consulates, including political work, trade and investment, press and cultural relations, and visa and consular services.