Speech by H.E. Vicki Treadell at British-Malaysia Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards
In her speech, H.E. Vicki Treadell talked about celebrating the best of British and Malaysian businesses and working with each other as we look to a new Malaysia and a Global Britain in the 21st century.

A very good evening, everybody. I know evenings like this are about networking and catching up with each other, but first and foremost, can I say how honoured we are, not to have one but two of the new government’s ministers. Thank you so much YB Dato’ Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali and also YB Darrell Leiking for joining us. To have both the Economic Minister and the Trade Minister, is I think testament to the very special relationship that Malaysia and the United Kingdom share.
And Andrew (Sill), thank you for remembering that conversation in my office, where we thought of all the great things that the British Malaysian Chamber of Commerce (BMCC) had done for over 50 years, and reflected on the partnership with the British High Commission. But we concluded that we did not have an event that celebrated the best of British and Malaysian businesses and what we do in each other’s country to support economic development. And here we are, a couple of years later, at the inaugural Business Excellence Awards, so thank you very much to you, Andrew and the team at BMCC.
And, if I may, I’d like to reflect on the people who have been part of this. You mentioned your 50th anniversary year, when another great event brought together people to celebrate that, and your Executive Director at the time was Nik Tasha Kamaruddin who did a great job and also played a part in helping to identify Aurelia (Silva) and bring her in to replace her. And Aurelia, I know that tonight is your final night, before you leave Malaysia. I want to personally thank you for everything that you have done in your time with the BMCC to take it on yet the next leg of its journey and to establish a new benchmark. Tonight is a testament to everything that you have done to take BMCC forward, thank you from me, Aurelia.
Can I say to Jennifer (Lopez), when I was told that Aurelia’s successor was going to be Jennifer Lopez, you can imagine my initial reaction? I thought you have a very successful musical and acting career, why would you switch career to be the Executive Director of the BMCC. But I realised your name is coincidental to another Jennifer Lopez. I have no doubt you will establish your own brand, you’ll make your own contribution to take the BMCC to yet another high point. I wish you every success in your time as the new Executive Director.
To all our Malaysian and British businesses represented here tonight, As Andrew alluded to, Malaysia is at the dawn of a new beginning. This is Malaysia Baru, I believe in Malaysia Boleh. We must all lean in to support the new government to realise its ambitions for reform. And Britain will lean in and be a partner and friend to help you achieve your ambitions and the commitments of the Pakatan Harapan manifesto. So we look forward to working with you to deliver on that, from institutional reform to tackling corruption, and to further diversifying your economy, to bring in new investments from Britain that will create new jobs and wealth creation for the Malaysian people. We also look forward to our partnership with Malaysia and supporting Malaysian businesses who want to do business in and to invest in Britain. Tonight we will be celebrating some of the very best who are already doing that.
What I would say to you, as Malaysia is on the threshold of its new path, so too is the UK. I know a lot of people think, is Brexit the right thing. You may look at recent events, the politics of Brexit, and wonder about the perceived fragility of the British government. But can I just say to you, I and my team have been working for two years, as have our counterparts in over 170 countries around the world, in which we have Embassies and High Commissions, to make sure that we make a success of our new life outside the EU. Our Prime Minister has set out a plan. We are very clear on our bottom line - that is to establish a close and special partnership with Europe, we want a free trade agreement with EU that allows for as free and frictionless movement of our goods. We are also committed that, once we are free of the EU, we will be able to negotiate our own bilateral or multilateral free trade agreements. Our ambitions go as far as to possibly becoming part of CPTPP. We are thinking imaginatively, we are thinking innovatively.
Here in this region, we also want a bold and independent relationship with ASEAN. Currently we are a dialogue partner within the EU with ASEAN, but as we transition out of the EU, we want to continue that special relationship in our own right with this region. I know what I and my team at the British High Commission have been doing over the last 3½ years, to build, broaden, deepen and strengthen our relationship with this country. We have also led on regional campaigns from Kuala Lumpur across all 10 ASEAN markets, in particular around education and we are proud of what we have done with the education sector here - some of whom are in the room tonight. So make no mistake about Britain’s confidence to make a success of our departure from the European Union (EU). We realise that 90% of global growth in the next decade is going to happen outside the EU, and it is that growth that we want to be part of, whilst at the same time we secure a good and special relationship with EU even as we leave them. Britain’s fundamentals are strong and countries like Malaysia have never looked at us through the prism of our EU membership. Britain has always been global. So as we look to a Malaysia Baru, we also look to a Global Britain in the 21st century, leaning yet closer to our most special friends, and amongst that number is Malaysia. So tonight we celebrate our economic ties, and the best of our Malaysian and British companies who have succeeded in making business and investments between our two nations. Enjoy this evening and I look forward to the awards ahead.
Thank you very much.