
Ancillary Services factsheet 2025

Published 14 March 2025

Under the Defence Reform Act 2014, the SSRO must provide the Secretary of State with its assessment of the appropriate rates used to determine the contract profit rate for pricing qualifying defence contracts and qualifying sub-contracts. Part of the methodology is the categorisation of comparator companies into four activity types.

  • Develop, Make and Support[1]
  • Ancillary Services
  • Construction
  • Information Technology Services

The results of these groups are separately analysed and this factsheet describes the Ancillary Services group results.

For further information on the methodology used to calculate these rates please see the Single Source baseline profit rate and capital servicing rates methodology.

[1]The ‘Develop, Make and Support’ activity type replaces the previous activity types of ‘Develop and Make’ and ‘Provide and Maintain’. Further information can be found in the published Q&A document.

Ancillary Services

Companies undertaking comparable activities considered as ‘Ancillary Services’ are expected to deliver either one of administrative, facilities or IT support activities. Companies undertaking these support services are not expected to bear any significant risks other than that of failing to provide the contracted outputs. This captures risk in relation to the delivery of the services, contract risk, procurement risk, staff risk and some quality control risk in respect of these activities.

Profit on cost of production

2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26
Underlying rate (unadjusted for capital servicing) 5.86% 7.13% 4.59% 5.58% 5.18%
Capital servicing adjustment -0.63% -0.18% -0.09% -0.36% -0.39%
Underlying rate 5.23% 6.95% 4.50% 5.22% 4.79%
Rolling average[2] 4.86% 5.39% 4.52% 4.98% 4.84%

Note: The capital servicing adjustment accounts, at an aggregate level, for different levels of capital employed across the companies in the index and so sets a baseline upon which step 4 of the contract profit rate applies.

[2] A four-year average was used for 2022/23; a three-year average for pre-2022/23 and a three-year average (excluding 2022/23 underlying rate) for 2023/24 onwards. The pre-2021/22 underlying rates used for the three-year average were: 2019/20: 5.54% and 2020/21: 3.82%.

Data sources

For further information on the data selection approach please see section 7 of the Single Source baseline profit rate and capital servicing rates methodology. A company update search of the Orbis database was carried out on 1 November 2024 on data update number 354001 using software version 354. The financial data for the calculation was extracted from Orbis at the same time.

Median capital servicing adjusted return on cost of production

Proportion of companies by country

Proportion of companies with defence keyword

Supplementary statistics

Number of companies 22
of which profit making 18
Aggregate turnover (£billions) 82
Total capital employed (CE) (£billions) 4
Average company CP:CE ratio 20.84

Source: Orbis (Cash figures shown in rounded GBP Billions)

Names of companies in the index

ABM Industries INC
Antac Support Services LTD
Building Energy Services Group Limited
Bulloughs Cleaning Services Limited
Cliner SA *
Cloudfm Group Limited
Compass Group PLC
Conduent Incorporated *
Coor Service Management Holding AB
Corpay INC  (J)
Firstservice Corporation
Glenthorp Limited
Healthcare Services Group INC
Kinovo PLC *
Lacera Servicios Y Mantenimiento SA *
Mears Group PLC
Mitie Group PLC
Rentokil Initial PLC
Restore PLC
Serco Group PLC
Trinet Group, Inc.

‘*’ Indicates that the company is a loss-maker in the year.

(J) Indicates a company which was not in the activity group last year but has been added this year.