4-digit to 3-digit procedure to additional procedure code correlation matrix for imports
Find the 4-digit to 3-digit procedure to additional procedure code correlation matrix for making import declarations on the Customs Declaration Service (CDS).
Use this 4-digit to 3-digit procedure to additional procedure code correlation matrix for making import declarations on the Customs Declaration Service (CDS).
Updates to this page
The Matrix published on 28 September 2024 was incorrect. The Matrix has now been updated to include changes for code 1RE.
The matrix has been updated to reflect changes for code 1RE.
Details for Additional Procedure Code 2DP have been corrected.
The correlation matrix has been amended to permit Additional Procedure Code 1NP to be declared with Procedure Code 4053 for vehicles which were previously imported under Temporary Admission for sale to entitled personnel of US and other NATO forces.
4-digit to 3-digit procedure to additional procedure code correlation matrix for imports has been amended to include National Additional Procedure Code 2CL for claiming partial relief or no relief of the Climate Change Levy.
Additional Procedure Code 000 is now available to be declared with Procedure Code 0751.
This 4-digit procedure to 3-digit additional procedure code correlation matrix layout and formatting has been updated. Technical content remains unchanged.
We have included Additional Procedure Code F48 to reflect the introduction of Import One Stop Shop (IOSS). You should check the latest version of the Known Error List (KELs) for interim workarounds that apply to IOSS.
Exclusion list updated to incorporate new Additional Procedure Codes 1FV and 1SV
Codes 1IL, 1LV and 2LV have been removed.
The file '4-digit to 3-digit procedure to additional procedure code correlation matrix' has been updated to reflect the introduction of the new H7 Declaration Category (Super Reduced Data Set (SRDS)) and the introduction of new procedures for Grouping (declaring different products under a single commodity code).
The 4-digit to 3-digit procedure to additional procedure code correlation matrix has been updated to include code 1PP.
First published.