7 Lenses maturity matrix
This tool allows teams to assess the progress of their transformation programme and identify which areas need more attention.
The 7 Lenses maturity matrix is a practical tool to help teams reflect on their transformation, have focused discussions, and identify which areas need more attention.
In the matrix, each of the 7 lenses of transformation is expanded into 5 levels of maturity. It’s helpful to use the different levels as a common language to understand how your transformation programme is performing, and it can be used to agree an ambition for where you want to be in 6 or 12 months’ time.
The matrix was developed by the Home Office to help their executive team to understand the progress of their department’s transformation. It was the result of extensive collaboration between colleagues across government, and the team have shared their experience of developing and using the tool.
For more information about the 7 Lenses and this maturity matrix, joining the transformation community, or to share any comments, contact the Cross-Government Transformation team.