Pupil absence statistics: guide
How we produce statistics on pupil absence in schools.
Applies to England
The pupil absence statistics guide sets out:
- when we publish pupil absence statistics
- how we calculate findings
- how we collect and process data
Read the latest pupil absence statistics.
Updates to this page
Updated guide to how we produce pupil absence statistics.
Updated 'A guide to absence statistics'.
Updated the absence statistics guide.
Updated document to account for special school absence now being collected each term.
Updated document to include a section on the uses and users of absence statistics.
Updated guide with 2015 to 2016 full-year absence data, information on consistency checks, and an annex on historical absence.
Document updated to reflect a persistent absence measure that applies from September 2015.
Updated document to include information on a new pupil absence measure.
Updated document to reflect changes set out in autumn term 2014 and spring term 2015 figures.
First published.