Accredited initial teacher training (ITT) providers
The organisations accredited to provide ITT courses from September 2024.
Applies to England
This list shows the organisations that are currently accredited to deliver ITT courses leading to a qualified teacher status (QTS) award from September 2024.
Organisations can only provide courses that lead to a recommendation for QTS if they are accredited by the Department for Education (DfE).
Updates to this page
Updated the list of accredited providers, to reflect a change to a provider’s legal accredited name.
Updated the 'List of providers accredited to deliver ITT from September 2024' to reflect a change to a provider operating name.
Updated to reflect changes to legal accredited name.
Updated to reflect changes to legal accredited names and partnerships of accredited providers who have paused their accreditation.
Updated the 'details' section to remove out-of-date information relating to joining a partnership.
Updated the 'List of providers accredited to deliver ITT from September 2024'.
The 'List of providers accredited to deliver ITT from September 2024' has been updated to reflect changes to legal accredited names and operating names.
Updated to amend the legal accredited entity and operating names of providers accredited in rounds 1 and 2 of the ITT accreditation process.
First published.