Advertise your vacancies
Support for employers to help advertise vacancies.

Find a Job
Find a job is one of the largest free job search sites in the UK. The service offers jobseekers and employers a simple and streamlined way to log in, post vacancies and search for jobs.
Find a job has hundreds of thousands of registered jobseekers with a range of skills, experience and interests. The user interface means jobseekers can tailor it to suit their needs, ensuring they are only applying for jobs that fit with their skills and experience.
Employers can create a free account to post vacancies online.
Find a job guide for employers
How to copy a job advert guide
Other ways to advertise your vacancies
There are a range of other ways to advertise your vacancies, including:
- using online job sites
- your local Jobcentre Plus Twitter service
- sharing jobs on your own social media channels, such as LinkedIn
- local newspaper advertising
- using your existing networks and trade sector bodies to share vacancy information
- using recruitment agencies
Jobcentre Plus has over 60 geographically based Twitter accounts through which you can advertise your vacancies.
Requests for support can be made by sending a private message through Twitter to your local account, using the direct message functionality within Twitter.
Many vacancies are shared by word of mouth, so your existing employees could also help in attracting new applicants.
If you need additional help with filling vacancies then your local DWP Contracted Employment partner may be able to offer support in England and Wales.
For support with recruitment in Scotland, as well as information about staff training, funding and Apprenticeships, Our Skills Force may be able to offer support.