Affordable Homes Programme 2015 to 2018: affordable homes contract
The standard form of contract for organisations awarded an allocation under the Affordable Homes Programme 2015 to 2018.
Applies to England
All organisations awarded an Affordable Homes Programme 2015 to 2018 (AHP) allocation will be required to enter into a standard form of contract (for their specific provider type) known as the affordable homes contract.
With the launch of the prospectus in January 2014, 2 heads of terms documents were published for the standard form of contract for the 2015 to 2018 Affordable Homes Programme.
The final form of contracts for organisations (which are not registered providers, ex registered social landlords, working alone or in consortia) will include some different/additional provision to reflect the specific nature of the grant recipient (eg local authority, developer) and/or to reflect consortium arrangements.