
Air safety data analysis (ASDA) course

This Military Aviation Authority Centre of Air Safety Training course enables delegates to understand the principles and processes of data analysis.


MAA air safety training course map


Course aim

This course is aimed at personnel conducting analysis of air safety data. The content is targeted at individuals who are inexperienced in this function and will provide the foundation skills required to extract, transform, understand, and present data from defence air safety occurrence reports (DASOR).

The key training aims of this course are to:

  • enable delegates to search and extract data from Air Safety Information Management System (ASIMS) and other data sources
  • utilise MS Excel to interpret and transform the data, thereby creating meaningful analysis (eg through formulae creation; data aggregation with pivot tables; data joining; creating metrics; linear regression; and charting tools)
  • enable delegates to tailor the presentation of analysis to specific audiences using a variety of styles (eg pivot charts, stand-alone charts and aggregate charts)

UK military personnel will be awarded the ASDA joint personnel administration (JPA) training record following successful completion of the course.

Units and duty holder organisations can directly purchase this and other safety management system training courses.


Training is a blend of taught sessions, facilitated discussions and group exercises and is aimed at individuals who will be analysing aviation data.


Personnel should have human factors and error management foundation level training as a minimum before attending the course. Understanding can be gained from accessing local awareness training at your unit / organisation delivered by human factors qualified facilitators or instructors.

Personnel should have a current ASIMS login.

The course has a heavy focus on the use of MS Excel and ASIMS and personnel will need to be familiar with this software before attending:

  • competently orientate around Excel, menu structure, ribbon items etc
  • ability to open, save, save as worksheets to various locations
  • knowledge of usage of SUM and COUNT functions would be advantageous
  • knowledge of relative and absolute references would be advantageous
  • knowledge of principles of pivot tables would be advantageous

For those wishing to develop their basic skills prior to attending this course, a variety of E-learning courses are available on ASIMS in addition to MS Excel courses available online (eg the defence learning environment), and Microsoft support


3 day


A number of ASDA courses are delivered at the Centre of Air Safety Training (CoAST), Defence Academy, Eisenhower, Shrivenham but may not satisfy overall requirements. Please contact your local Safety Training for Error Prevention (STEP) point of contact or email for more details.

Application form

Course application form

Before applying for this course, please read the course overview. If you are eligible to apply, complete the application form and return it to with the course title as the subject title.

The closing date for applications is 10 weeks prior to the course start date and applications received after this date will not be accepted.

Once received, applications will be added to the waitlist and scrutinised approximately 9 weeks before the course. All candidates will be notified of the outcome with successful candidates receiving joining instructions approximately 6 weeks prior to the course.

Course dates

CoAST located course dates. For STEP courses at other locations, please contact your STEP point of contact.

Updates to this page

Published 26 March 2015
Last updated 27 September 2024 show all updates
  1. Air safety data analysis course page updated and re-formatted.

  2. The ASDA course information has been updated.

  3. Email added for contracts and overseas applicants.

  4. The Air safety data analysis course aim, applicability, prerequisites and location have been updated.

  5. A new opening paragraph has been added.

  6. ASDA course information updated.

  7. First published.

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