Military Aviation Authority training courses
Air safety training courses for the defence aviation community.
Joint Aviation Command (JAC) applications for courses
With immediate effect all JAC individuals are to submit applications to their unit air safety teams (AST) who will pass them to the JAC AST. JAC Applications sent directly to Centre of Air Safety Training (CoAST) will not be actioned.
MAA Air Safety Training
The MAA AST team deliver, oversee and facilitate access to first class air safety training for UK military, civil servants, contracted civilians and foreign military students at the Defence Academy of the United Kingdom and other locations.
The delivery and management of a coherent and comprehensive training portfolio for the defence aviation environment assists with the continual improvement of military air safety and enhances appropriate cultural change. We work with specialists from across defence aviation and external subject matter experts, such as Baines Simmons and the Civil Aviation Authority, to ensure air safety training is relevant, appropriate and consistent with JSP822 in the current operating environment.
The MAA AST team comprises of CoAST, Trenchard Building, Defence Academy, Shrivenham, and colleagues based at Abbey Wood North, Juniper Building.
Please access the MAA air safety training course map for course information including training course prerequisites, dates, duration and application forms.
Operator air safety training
Safety training for error prevention (STEP)
The below STEP suite of courses are available to be delivered across the UK by STEP points of contact and are also delivered at Defence Academy, Shrivenham and dates are advertised here. Courses are run across the UK by STEP points of contact on dates other than those advertised here which may meet your need. Please contact your STEP group point of contact for details of these courses and how to apply to attend as the application process differs from the Shrivenham deliveries.
Flying display symposium and training
To promote air safety related advice, training and guidance within the air display environment.
Integrity airworthiness and engineering air safety
Defence aviation human factors
The Defence Aviation Human Factors Centre of Excellence provides human factors training at RAF Cranwell and offers the following courses:
Course application forms
Application forms for MAA and CoAST sponsored courses. Details of where to send completed forms to can be found in the individual application forms.
Contractors and overseas applicants are to apply through International Defence training, all enquiries to
Course date Information
Course dates for MAA general courses, human factors and STEP courses.
Updates to this page
CAA oversight of military registered aircraft (COMRA) course added.
Practical skills for auditors course (PSAC) and root cause analysis course (RCA) added.
MAA training course information updated.
Continuing Airworthiness Management Organization (CAMO) modules has been added.
Aerodrome operators study period (AOSP) course added
2 new courses have been published, Introduction to BowTie methodology and Applying BowTie.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions on delivering training has been amended.
Update to statement regarding coronavirus restrictions on delivering training.
Update to statement regarding coronavirus restrictions on delivering training.
MAA training course information updated.
Continuing airworthiness management organization - Regulatory Training and Continuing airworthiness management organization functional training have been published.
The Remotely piloted air systems (RPAS) class 1(b) duty holders (DH) briefing day has been added.
Course details have been published for the Effective error management course.
General information has been added.
The DAEMS content has been updated to Safety Training for Error Prevention (STEP).
The military aviation authority training courses page has been amended.
A new opening paragraph has been added.
Flying Display Directors Course has been added
The training contacts email address for courses based at Shrivenham has been updated on training pages.
Location and email address for the ASIC and PIC has changed
Information on Defence Human Factors training has been updated
Details changed within the Training Contacts area
Information on Defence aviation effective error management (EEM) course removed until new couse details are available.
The PSIP course is currently suspended pending a training review.
Air display flying symposia group has been added.
The air safety assurance and assessment practitioner (ASAAP) course has been re-named the introduction to the MAA air safety management performance matrix (IMAPM).
The DAEMS assurance practitioner (AP) course has been re-named the air safety assurance and assessment practitioner (ASAAP) course.
MAA air safety risk assessment and management practitioners (MASRAMP) course has been added
First published.