
Aircraft structural integrity course (ASIC)

This Military Aviation Authority course provides the latest information on aircraft structural integrity matters.


MAA air safety training course map


Course aim

To provide a synopsis of the latest available information on aircraft structural integrity (SI) matters. This course is primarily suited to military officers, senior non-commissioned officers (SNCO) and civil servants, serving as project engineers, airframe / structures engineers or fleet managers within delivery teams or trade specialists at front line command (FLC) units.

Outline of syllabus

Aircraft structural issues, such as fatigue and ageing aircraft, are now the limiting factors that determine the life of many aircraft and major system assemblies and components. Other factors such as corrosion and environmental issues also have a significant impact on aircraft structural integrity. The way fatigue is understood has improved over recent years, as have techniques used in structural testing, inspection and monitoring.

The ASIC is designed to provide updates on the latest developments relating to SI issues and highlights the importance of effective structural integrity management. Throughout the course, delegates are encouraged to participate in debate and share subject knowledge gained to explore and exploit subject matter accordingly relative to their trade specialisation.

The course material is delivered by subject matter experts in a symposium format from UK MOD, QinetiQ, and industry partner companies .

The course addresses the following subjects:

  • introduction to aircraft SI management
  • understanding aerospace materials
  • establishing SI management
  • structural airworthiness requirements for fatigue design
  • sustain SI
  • design organisation – perspective on fast jet fatigue and qualification
  • non-destructive testing in support of SI
  • accidental and environmental damage to aerospace materials
  • ageing aircraft structures
  • structural examination, sampling and teardown
  • validating SI
  • role of design organisation – perspective on helicopter fatigue and qualification
  • recovering SI
  • aircraft repair
  • exploiting SI
  • practical SI management
  • conclusions – putting SI in context
  • specialised support for delegates operating under RA 4000 and RA 5000 series; particular focus on RA 5726: integrity management

Entry requirements

Officers, SNCOs and civilians posted to the following appointments are eligible to attend the course:

  • Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S) delivery team project engineers
  • fleet managers and engineers in airframe / structures posts who have responsibility for structural integrity or aircraft engineering
  • Royal Navy, British Army and Royal Air Force air staff at command or group headquarters in FLC unit and squadron engineering appointments
  • staff in flight safety appointments
  • appointees involved with fatigue budgeting, processing and analysis
  • Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL) and QinetiQ staff with airworthiness responsibilities
  • invited design authority representatives

Please note that priority will be given to those occupying posts mandated by the MAA regulatory publications, however the course facilitation team endeavour to support those in the listed roles above.

Places may also be available on this course to officers from overseas military forces who meet the criteria above. Where English is not the first language, students must pass written and spoken English language tests and achieve a minimum score of 5.5 in each part of the international English language test system (IELTS) before being accepted for training.


2.5 days


RAF Cosford

Application form

Course application form

Before applying for this course, please read the course overview. If you are eligible to apply, complete the application form and return it to DSAE-2SofTT PIPELINE with the course title as the subject title.

Contractors and overseas applicants are to apply through international defence training, all enquiries to

Course dates



For more information email DSAE-2SofTT PIPELINE

Updates to this page

Published 10 November 2014
Last updated 27 September 2024 show all updates
  1. Aircraft structural integrity course page updated and re-formatted.

  2. The ASIC course information has been reviewed and updated.

  3. Location and email address for this course changed

  4. Email address changed

  5. First published.

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