
Remotely piloted air system responsible officer (RPAS RO) / remotely piloted air system accountable manager (RPAS AM) briefing day

This briefing day is a mandatory requirement for RPAS RO and RPAS AM that operate RPAS in the open category.




The briefing day aims to improve defence air safety by ensuring that RPAS RO and RPAS AM are fully conversant with their role and responsibilities in the safe management of RPAS that operate in the Open A2, Open A3, and Specific S1 sub-categories. Applicable regulations can be found in RA 1602, RA 1603, and RA 1604.

Course validity

This course is valid for the duration of tour for the RPAS RO / RPAS AM.


1 day

Briefing dates



MOD Abbey Wood (North), Bristol

Application process

Please forward a completed application form to

Updates to this page

Published 12 September 2019
Last updated 8 December 2023 show all updates
  1. Remotely piloted air system duty holder has been changed to remotely piloted air system responsible officer. The course name and details have been updated accordingly.

  2. Remotely piloted air systems open category duty holders briefing day course details have been amended.

  3. RPAS Duty Holders Briefing Day course dates have been published.

  4. Version 3 of the RPAS duty holder briefing day application form has been published.

  5. RPAS duty holders briefing day information updated to reflect the change to RPAS categorization from class 1(b) to open category. Additional briefing day dates added.

  6. New course dates published.

  7. First published.

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