Airports Commission final report: economy impacts
Background to the economy impacts analysis in the Airports Commission's final report on increasing airport capacity in the UK.
Information about the contents of the reports contained on this page.
Economy: updated transport economic efficiency impacts
Updates the transport economic efficiency report produced before consultation and provides further sensitivities.
Economy: updated delay impacts assessment and methodology
Updates to the delay impact assessment report produced before consultation with further sensitivities and a developed methodology.
Economy: wider economic impacts assessment
New piece of work providing detailed analysis of the wider economic impacts from an economic welfare perspective.
Economy: expert panelist wider economic impacts review
A review completed by two of the Commission’s expert panel members to assess the approaches taken to consider the GDP/GVA impacts assessment and the wider economic impacts assessment.
Economy: carbon policy sensitivity
Provides further sensitivity of transport economic efficiency impacts and wider economic impacts in the case where an illustrative set of policies are in place to limit aviation emissions to the recommended planning assumption by the Committee on Climate Change.
Economy: carbon policy sensitivity appendix 3 (costs review)
Provides cost assumptions for biofuels and review of relevant evidence on cost assumptions for the carbon policy sensitivity report.