
Allied Joint Doctrine for Information Operations (AJP-10.1)

Allied Joint Publication-10.1 outlines the principles, planning considerations and processes for information operations.



Allied Joint Publication (AJP)-10.1, Allied Joint Doctrine for Information Operations (Edition A Version 1) explains how Information Operations (Info Ops) staff ensure coordination and synchronization of information activities. It focuses on the operational level to support commanders’ objectives.

Info Ops is applicable in peace, crisis and conflict throughout the continuum of competition. It provides a comprehensive understanding of the information environment and, for particular audiences, the ability to plan specific activities for cognitive effect.

This edition is published with UK national elements.

Who should read this publication

AJP-10.1 provides guidance to North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) commanders and their staffs to use Info Ops as the staff function for the horizontal integration of strategic communications direction and guidance through planning and coordinating information activities throughout the full spectrum of activities and operations.

AJP-10.1 clarifies the role of Info Ops staff within the communication directorate, emphasizing their responsibility for coherence and their key contribution to joint operations.

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Published 2 February 2023
Last updated 31 July 2023 + show all updates
  1. Updated with UK national elements

  2. Amended 'you may also be interested in' section

  3. First published.

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