Allied Joint Publications (AJPs)
This series brings together all documents relating to Allied Joint Publications.
Updates to this page
Added AJP-10.3
Updated AJP-3.4.1 (now AJP-3.24).
Added AJP-3.18
AJP-3.23 added.
Added AJP-10
AJP-10.1 added.
Removed AJP-3.4.5 and added AJP-3.28.
Removed AJP-3.4.3 and added AJP-3.26.
Removed AJP-4.4B. Added AJP-4.4C.
Added Allied joint doctrine for cyberspace operations (AJP-3.20) to the collection.
Added the Allied Joint Publication (AJP)-05(A) Allied Joint Doctrine for the planning of operations.
Added: (AJP) 4.6(C) & AJP 4(B)
Added Allied Joint Doctrine for Civil-Military Cooperation (AJP)-3.19)
Added link to AJP-3.16, allied joint doctrine on security force assistance.
Added links to Allied Joint Doctrine for Countering — Improvised Explosive Devices AJP-3.15(B), Allied Joint Doctrine for Stability Policing AJP-3.22(A), Allied Joint Doctrine for Joint Targeting AJP-3.9(A), Allied Joint Doctrine for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defence AJP-3.8(A), Allied Joint Doctrine for Modes of Multinational Logistic Support AJP-4.9(A), Allied Joint Movement and Transportation Doctrine AJP-4.4(B), and Allied Joint Doctrine for Host Nation Support AJP-4.5(B).
Added latest AJP: Allied joint doctrine for civil-military co-operation (AJP3.4.9); Allied joint doctrine for counter-insurgency (COIN) (AJP-3.4.4(A)); Allied joint doctrine for the military contribution to humanitarian assistance (AJP-3.4.3(A)); Allied joint doctrine for non-combatant evacuation operations (AJP-3.4.2); Allied joint doctrine for the military contribution to stabilization and reconstruction (AJP-.3.4.5(A)).
Added latest 5 AJPs: Allied joint doctrine for land operations (AJP-3.2); Allied joint doctrine for air and space operations (AJP-3.3(B)); Allied joint doctrine for air-maritime coordination (AJP-3.3.3); Allied joint doctrine for airspace control (AJP-3.3.5(B)); Allied joint doctrine for the military contribution to peace support (AJP-3.4.1).
Added AJP-3(B): allied joint doctrine for the conduct of operations.
Added Allied joint doctrine for recovery of personnel in a hostile environment (AJP-3.7).
Added Allied Joint Doctrine for force protection (AJP-3.14).
Added new page for AJP 4.10.
Added AJP 3.10.1: Allied joint doctrine for psychological operations.
Added AJP 05.
First published.