
Allied Joint Publications (AJPs)

This series brings together all documents relating to Allied Joint Publications.

This collection is created under Joint Doctrine.


Updates to this page

Published 16 May 2013
Last updated 11 October 2024 show all updates
  1. Added AJP-10.3

  2. Updated AJP-3.4.1 (now AJP-3.24).

  3. Added AJP-3.18

  4. AJP-3.23 added.

  5. Added AJP-10

  6. AJP-10.1 added.

  7. Removed AJP-3.4.5 and added AJP-3.28.

  8. Removed AJP-3.4.3 and added AJP-3.26.

  9. Removed AJP-4.4B. Added AJP-4.4C.

  10. Added Allied joint doctrine for cyberspace operations (AJP-3.20) to the collection.

  11. Added the Allied Joint Publication (AJP)-05(A) Allied Joint Doctrine for the planning of operations.

  12. Added: (AJP) 4.6(C) & AJP 4(B)

  13. Added Allied Joint Doctrine for Civil-Military Cooperation (AJP)-3.19)

  14. Added link to AJP-3.16, allied joint doctrine on security force assistance.

  15. Added links to Allied Joint Doctrine for Countering — Improvised Explosive Devices AJP-3.15(B), Allied Joint Doctrine for Stability Policing AJP-3.22(A), Allied Joint Doctrine for Joint Targeting AJP-3.9(A), Allied Joint Doctrine for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defence AJP-3.8(A), Allied Joint Doctrine for Modes of Multinational Logistic Support AJP-4.9(A), Allied Joint Movement and Transportation Doctrine AJP-4.4(B), and Allied Joint Doctrine for Host Nation Support AJP-4.5(B).

  16. Added latest AJP: Allied joint doctrine for civil-military co-operation (AJP3.4.9); Allied joint doctrine for counter-insurgency (COIN) (AJP-3.4.4(A)); Allied joint doctrine for the military contribution to humanitarian assistance (AJP-3.4.3(A)); Allied joint doctrine for non-combatant evacuation operations (AJP-3.4.2); Allied joint doctrine for the military contribution to stabilization and reconstruction (AJP-.3.4.5(A)).

  17. Added latest 5 AJPs: Allied joint doctrine for land operations (AJP-3.2); Allied joint doctrine for air and space operations (AJP-3.3(B)); Allied joint doctrine for air-maritime coordination (AJP-3.3.3); Allied joint doctrine for airspace control (AJP-3.3.5(B)); Allied joint doctrine for the military contribution to peace support (AJP-3.4.1).

  18. Added AJP-3(B): allied joint doctrine for the conduct of operations.

  19. Added Allied joint doctrine for recovery of personnel in a hostile environment (AJP-3.7).

  20. Added Allied Joint Doctrine for force protection (AJP-3.14).

  21. Added new page for AJP 4.10.

  22. Added AJP 3.10.1: Allied joint doctrine for psychological operations.

  23. Added AJP 05.

  24. First published.