Allied Joint Doctrine for the Military Contribution to Peace Support (AJP-3.24)
Allied Joint Publication-3.24 provides insight and guidance for commanders when planning for and conducting peace support in the context of Allied joint operations.
Allied Joint Publication (AJP)-3.24, Allied Joint Doctrine for the Military Contribution to Peace Support (Edition A Version 1) is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) doctrine for the military planning, execution and assessment of the military contribution to peace support.
The publication presents a framework for the planning and conduct of peace support operations, which includes conflict prevention, peacemaking, peace enforcement, peacekeeping and peacebuilding activities.
It describes how the military contribution to an impartial implementation of a political strategy is the fundamental difference separating peace support from other types of crisis response operations.
Who should read this publication
AJP-3.24 is intended as guidance for NATO commanders and staff, primarily at the operational level. It describes the strategic context and provides guidance on how Alliance forces operate. It also provides a reference for NATO non-military and non-NATO nonmilitary actors operating with the Alliance.