
Logistics for Joint Operations (JDP 4-00)

Joint Doctrine Publication 4-00 provides guidance for planners to enable effective logistic support of deployed forces within joint and multinational contexts.



Joint Doctrine Publication (JDP) 4-00, Logistics for Joint Operations (Fourth Edition) provides guidance for planners to enable effective logistic support of deployed forces within joint and multinational contexts.

This edition builds on principles identified in previous editions and reflects the direction from the Chief of Defence Staff and permanent Under Secretary to place the North Atlantic Treaty Organizarion (NATO) at the heart of UK defence. It covers logistics at the operational level from a joint perspective.

JDP 4-00 recognises that a sensible and appropriate combination of logistic assets made available to the Commander Joint Task Force from the front line commands, within an inherent multinational and interagency approach, provides the most efficient and effective support to an operation.

Who should read this publication

JDP 4-00 is written for the joint operational commander and staff. Personnel within J1/J4 functional areas, and logistic staff in single-Service commands and Defence Equipment and Support, may find JDP 4-00 particularly relevant. This publication is also the primary joint logistic doctrine publication for students at the Joint Services Command and Staff College and other Defence training establishments.

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Published 21 December 2012
Last updated 23 July 2015 show all updates
  1. Added Fourth edition as direct replacement of third edition.

  2. First published.

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