
Captured Persons (JDP 1-10)

Joint Doctrine Publication 1-10 is the capstone doctrine publication for captured persons activities.



Joint Doctrine Publication (JDP) 1-10, Captured Persons (Fourth Edition) is the capstone doctrine publication for captured persons (CPERS) activities.

Based on relevant provisions of international and domestic law, JDP 1-10 is more prescriptive than most core joint doctrine. It contains enduring principles and best practice, setting out guidance for the strategic level together with the fundamental rules and principles that apply at the operational and tactical level. The publication focuses more on the treatment to be afforded to all CPERS, rather than the specific categories.

Importantly, it also reflects the UK government’s policy and guidance resulting from recent operations. It incorporates changes following the 17 December 2014 recommendations of the Al Sweady inquiry and the 17 January 2017 Supreme Court judgements in the cases of Serdar Mohammed, Yunus Rahmatullah and Abd Ali Hameed Al-Waheed.

This edition of JDP 1-10 introduces some important new procedures to ensure the fair treatment of CPERS, particularly in relation to the review of detention. These have been developed in light of the cases mentioned above, and, in particular, the principles set out by Lord Sumption in Serdar Mohammed.

Who should read this publication

JDP 1-10 is written to assist those involved in planning, training for, and ultimately conducting CPERS activities. It has been revised, both in its structure and content.

This JDP is understandably land focused as it is generally the more common environment for CPERS. However, it applies to all military operations.

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Updates to this page

Published 1 October 2011
Last updated 28 September 2020 show all updates
  1. Updated Joint Doctrine Publication 1-10: captured persons (CPERS) with the latest version.

  2. Updated the content throughout the page and PDF.

  3. Added updated document JDP 1-10 Third edition, Change 1

  4. Added new version of document and updated the Detail section of the page.

  5. First published.

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