Allied Joint Doctrine for Land Operations (AJP-3.2)
Allied Joint Publication-3.2 provides the guidance and principles needed to plan and conduct land operations within a joint and multinational framework.
Allied Joint Publication (AJP)-3.2, Allied Joint Doctrine for Land Operations (Edition B Version 1) provides the guidance and principles needed to plan and conduct land operations within a joint and multinational framework. This edition provides both the capstone document for land operations and a guide to North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) doctrine relevant to land operations.
It describes the context of operating in the land environment and provides guidance on how Alliance land forces and its partners operate together to achieve success.
Who should read this publication
This publication is intended primarily as guidance for commanders and staffs at the joint operational level. AJP-3.2 also provides a reference for NATO civilian and non-NATO civilians operating with the land component.
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Updates to this page
A new front cover has been added to AJP-3.2, Allied Joint Doctrine for Land Operations (Edition B Version 1).
Updated 'Allied Joint Publication (AJP-3.2): allied joint doctrine for land operations'.
First published.