Allied Joint Doctrine for Airspace Control (AJP-3.3.5)
Allied Joint Publication-3.3.5 provides doctrine to plan, execute and assess airspace control during NATO or NATO-led operations.
Allied Joint Publication (AJP)-3.3.5, Allied Joint Doctrine for Airspace Control (Edition C Version 1) provides guidance to conduct airspace control and enable maritime, land, air, space, cyberspace and special operations forces to operate in an efficient, integrated, and flexible manner.
This airspace control doctrine provides commanders with the operational flexibility to effectively employ forces according to mission priorities. It is not intended to restrict the authority and responsibility of commanders and their organic resources, but rather to enhance overall operations.
Who should read this publication
AJP-3.3.5 provides deliberately broad operational guidance for North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) operational commanders and their staffs. However, the doctrine is instructive too, and provides a useful framework for operations conducted by a coalition of NATO nations, partners, non-NATO nations and other organizations participating, and non-NATO led operations.
AJP-3.3.5 is primarily intended for NATO forces; the doctrine is also applicable to operations within the framework of a combined joint task force or multinational force (MNF) of NATO and non-NATO nation units. Therefore, references to the commander joint force command throughout this publication would apply equally to the commander joint task force or commander MNF in those situations.