Shaping a Stable World: the Military Contribution (JDP 05)
Joint Doctrine Publication 05 provides guidance on how the military can be used to support national strategies for addressing instability and conflict overseas.
Joint Doctrine Publication (JDP) 05, Shaping a Stable World: the Military Contribution (First Edition) provides context and guidance on how, and why, the military instrument of power can be used to support national strategies for addressing instability, crisis and conflict overseas.
JDP 05 outlines how the UK seeks to help shape a more stable world as part of our national strategy and examines the military role within this.
This publication recognises the deliberate shift away from recent campaigns towards a more forward leaning and engaging approach. The need for cross-government cooperation and understanding as part of an integrated approach is fundamental.
Who should read this publication
The primary audience for JDP 05 is military commanders and their respective staffs who are (or will become) involved in military operations that contribute to stability through the mechanism of stabilisation operations.
The secondary audience is members of other government departments, related non-governmental organisations and the private sector, whom the military are likely to work with as part of an integrated approach.