Allied Joint Doctrine for Medical Support (AJP-4.10)
Allied Joint Publication-4.10 sets out the fundamental principles required to plan and conduct medical support to operations in all its aspects.
Allied Joint Publication (AJP)-4.10, Allied Joint Doctrine for Medical Support (Edition C Version 1) sets out the fundamental principles required to plan and conduct medical support to operations in all its aspects.
Medical support remains a national responsibility, but in practise North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) commanders have come to share this responsibility during recent operations.
This brings with it a range of additional responsibilities ranging from the treatment of casualties in different operating environments to the implementation of force health protection measures, interactions with civil organisations providing health services to affected populations, and the increased public expectations of high quality outcomes in the treatment of casualties.
Who should read this publication
This publication is intended primarily for commanders and staff at the joint operational level. It also provides guidance for all levels of command and is instructive for coalition and NATO partners.
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Updates to this page
Updated Allied Joint Doctrine for medical support (AJP-4.10) with the latest version.
Added the updated AJP-4.10, Allied Joint Doctrine for Medical Support (Edition C) document.
Updated page title and link text to better reflect document contents.
Replaced with new version of AJP 4.10
Updated document to the latest version.
First published.