
Human-Machine Teaming (JCN 1/18)

Joint Concept Note 1/18 outlines the challenges of artificial intelligence technologies and how we can achieve military advantage through human-machine teams.



Joint Concept Note (JCN) 1/18, Human-Machine Teaming articulates the challenges and opportunities that robotic and artificial intelligence technologies offer, and identifies how we can achieve military advantage though human-machine teams.
  It examines:

  • economic and technological trends, and the likely impacts of artificial intelligence and robotic systems on Defence;

  • potential evolutionary paths robotic and artificial intelligence systems may take in conflict;

  • the effects of artificial intelligence and robotic development on conflict across the observe, orient, decide, act (OODA) loop, and

  • why optimised human-machine teams will be essential to developing military advantage.

Who should read this publication

This concept note should be read by anyone who wishes to understand how artificial intelligence, robotics and data can change the future character of conflict, for us and our adversaries.

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Published 18 May 2018
Last updated 21 May 2018 show all updates
  1. Updated the attachment with a small editorial change.

  2. First published.

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