An evaluation of the ESOL for Integration Fund
The evaluation focused on measuring the impact and process of administering community-based English language provision.
Applies to England
This was a one-year programme providing community-based English language lessons, and social mixing clubs and activities, in 30 local authorities to individuals furthest away from English language proficiency.
The programme aims to encourage community integration and improve language proficiency by providing English language sessions to people with little or no English (i.e. at pre-entry and entry level 1). The fund trials a new approach to funding ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages), adopting a localised place-based design, in line with DLUHC trends for devolving programmes to local areas.
The ESOL for Integration Fund saw positive results in terms of participants’ English language proficiency scores improving over the course of delivery. The programme saw around one-quarter (24%) of participants move up at least one level in speaking and listening, with 16% for reading and 18% for writing. Taking part in ESOL for Integration Fund provision led to improved social integration among learners, as evidenced from the social integration survey conducted before and after the course. For example, learners reported more frequent interactions in English at the end of the course, with the proportion speaking to 3 or more individuals in English over the previous week increasing.