Analysis of results: A levels and GCSEs, summer 2021
An analysis of A level and GCSE summer 2021 results, the quality assurance process and an equalities analysis.
Applies to England
In January 2021 and in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the Government announced that it was no longer fair for many exams and assessments to go ahead as planned this summer. It was confirmed that students taking GCSE, AS and A levels regulated by Ofqual would be awarded grades based on an assessment by their teachers. Ofqual and the Department for Education consulted jointly on the alternative arrangements to summer exams, and the outcome of this consultation was announced in February. Teachers have used a range of evidence to make a judgement about the grade at which their students have performed, focusing on the content that students have been taught.
Results days this summer are 10 August for AS and A levels, and 12 August for GCSEs. As in other years, JCQ publish national results statistics on results days. This includes overall outcomes for each qualification (GCSE, AS and A level), as well as a breakdown by subject group and gender. To supplement these analyses, we have provided further breakdowns in this report.