Announcement of Opportunity: Local Space Cluster Development Support
The UK Space Agency invites proposals for activity to develop the maturity of an early-stage local space cluster in line with its ambitions to grow the space sector across the whole of the UK.

The government’s ambition is to increase prosperity for all, creating opportunity in every part of the UK. Space can drive growth and productivity across many areas of the wider UK economy. The UK Space Agency is looking to fund specific enabling activities aimed at accelerating the development of the thriving, resilient and well-connected ecosystem the UK needs to achieve its space ambitions, realise the full economic potential of space across the UK and proactively deliver the government’s wider economic priorities.
This call aims to develop the maturity of ‘early-stage’ local space clusters across the UK. Proposals are sought for projects that will deliver, for a defined geographical locality:
- a detailed understanding of its current space sector strengths, underpinning assets, market opportunities and local priorities
- a clear strategy and plan for how its space potential can be realised - including what support, guidance and investment is required
- how it could participate in and contribute to a nationally linked network of space clusters and hubs to benefit the whole of the UK
Proposals should be led or formally endorsed by a local economic development body (e.g. a Local Enterprise Partnership) or local government authority with responsibility and decision-making power to implement and realise the outcomes.
UK Space Agency will consider proposals for grants up to £80,000 and all funded activity must be delivered before March 15 2021.
The proposals should provide clear and compelling evidence for the latent space sector potential within the region and the anticipated impact the proposed activity will provide. The outcomes from this work should provide the routes to unlocking the space potential, participating in UK-wide space enterprise networks and increasing the maturity of the local space cluster.