Appeal against a decision about a vaccine damages claim: Form SSCS7
Use this form to appeal against a decision made by the NHS Business Services Authority (NHS BSA) on a claim under the vaccine damage payments scheme.
To appeal the NHS BSA’s decision, you must apply to Her Majesty’s Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS) for an independent ruling on whether the decision is correct or not. Your appeal can be considered by a tribunal.
For more information, read the guidance in ‘How to appeal against a decision made by the NHS Business Services Authority (SSCS7A)’.
To make your appeal, download and complete the SSCS7 form and send it to the appropriate SSCS appeals centre. The addresses for the appeals centres are in the form.
After the appeals centre has received your form, they will tell the NHS BSA that you have appealed their decision. The NHS BSA will send you and the tribunal information about the reasons for their decision in response to your appeal.
The tribunal will then book the hearing for your appeal (if you have chosen to attend the hearing). The tribunal will make a decision on your entitlement to benefits.
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