Application for an environmental permit: part C2 varying a bespoke permit
Complete if you are applying to change an existing bespoke permit.
Applies to England
If you wish to vary (change) the conditions or any other part of your permit, fill in part C2 together with:
- part A: about you
- part F1: charges and declarations
- the relevant parts of:
This is one part of the Environmental Permitting Regulations (EPR) permit application form pack.
Changes to EPR guidance
The Environment Agency is updating the EPR guidance to meet smarter guidance and Government Digital Service requirements. Some of the documents referred to in these forms have been withdrawn and replaced with new versions. These forms and accompanying guidance are still current. How the Environment Agency regulates you and your legal requirements have not changed.
Changes to other guidance documents are as follows:
- the generic ‘How to comply with your environmental permit’ has been withdrawn and replaced with new guides about developing a management system and controlling and monitoring emissions
- H1 risk assessment overview guidance and related annexes have been withdrawn and replaced with a new risk assessment overview guide with supporting specialist risk assessment guides
Updates to this page
Amendments to the financial provision section in the application form and guidance.
Updated question 5d Fire prevention plans updated for clarity. Separate appendix for dates of birth information. Update to guidance on question 5d Fire prevention plans. Links corrected.
Removed form F2. You now need to complete form F1 to change a permit for a water discharge or point source groundwater discharge activity.
First published.